Thursday, May 21, 2009


I was just practicing techniques in digital painting today, and after a couple hours he turned into this. He eventually got this look on his face of getting pissed off that I was painting him... so I stopped.

Freakish Mutation!

Evolution gone very very wrong... or right, who am I to judge. All we can wonder what it once was, and hope we never run into it. This painting started out as a sketch that was painted over, and was more or less practice for carapace type creatures.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Starting to move some of my traditional artwork here to give it a home on the internet. This particular piece was done on black paper with white pastel and charcoal. It was a challenge to keep clean, since the slightest smudge would show up in the dark areas. We should wonder what an kinda radiation a orb of pure light would give off.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Concept: Triramus

Began a concept sketch night with some other artists. We basically come up with a concept and we each create a sketch on it. I sketched it out traditionally and quickly did a digital painting over it, keeping in mind to keep the time spent on it relatively low. This particular concept was of a video game demon, like something you would see in Diablo. I was going for a faster hand to hand fighting demon from an arid environment.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Leyendecker Study

This oil painting was a study of a J.C. Leyendecker painting. An old painting study I did that I found lying around. Thought it would be a great throwback to the past illustrators and pay some tribute to a past great. Leyendecker was an illustrator from the early 1900's and was one of the chief influences on Norman Rockwell. If you ever have a chance to see one of his paintings you take it!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Apple Core

An image I have been working on and off for a while. I almost want to make a 3d model of this one, but I need to finish all these half done projects I have lying around before I even consider it. An apple a day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thief's Tale

One of my many projects that Im working on is a old school side scrolling game with a group of independent game developers at Star Frog Games. I am doing the digital painting as well as some of the character modeling for the game. Here I show the collision screen capture I get, and the paint over in its early stages. Its in the early phases, and will have many more passes before we get to a finished product.
 There is a lot of file organization that goes into a project like this, sadly right before I was almost finished I accidently deleted the entire project.... (Pause to let fellow Artist shudder) ....
Yes, it happens. Lost a lot of work, and tried some recovering software but it failed me. But I got it all redone. 