Friday, February 27, 2009

Scythian Beheader

I have been working on furthering my digital painting skills, and I have taken upon myself a project with a friend to create a CCG(Collectible Card Game). Its basically a game similar to Magic, but has to do with bugs and I will leave it at that. This particular piece I am calling done as of today, but knowing me I will probably look at it again in a month and change it.
It still is a little stiff, but I dont want to mess with it anymore. I have learned its better to mark something off as done and move on. Its better for the learning process to do more pieces than to sit there and spend your life trying to fix a lost battle. Its respectable at this time, move on.

Project Meatmonkey

Well, I have made this blog to be something like an art record of my work and its progression. Not so much to be a gallery of finished pieces, though there will be plenty of those as well. I intend to post excerpts of whatever I am working on weekly, the bad along side the good to demonstrate my process and hopefully to show improvement. Not to mention there will be others I know who can give me feedback on such work, and who knows.... it could very well lead to other avenues of artwork down the line.
Well lets see how this turns out shall we?